Reseach and Implementation Program for the 3rd Phase of the HarvestZinc Project


24 Mar 2015

2014 Annual Interpretive Summary

2014 marked the end of the second phase of the project studying the effect of Zn fertilization on crops in different countries. Turkey, China, India, Pakistan, and Zambia are conducting wheat experiments, while rice experiments are being carried out in China, Thailand and India. Brazil is working with common beans and Zambia is initiating sorghum experiments, in addition to wheat. Two different experiments, first of which to compare soil application of Zn-containing fertilizers and the second for comparison of Zn-containing foliar solutions, are being conducted in each country on each crop, except for Turkey where a third experiment is comparing different timings of foliar Zn treatments, alone or in combination with urea or pesticides, for effectiveness on improving grain Zn concentrations.

Highlights of the results include: (1) foliar Zn proved superior to soil-applied Zn in improving grain Zn concentrations, but not necessarily yields and (2) seed enrichment through foliar applications on the previous crop resulted in better emergence rates and stand establishments and also generally reflected well in grain yields.

Project results have been disseminated in target countries through "Zinc Days" events for agronomists/crop consultants, extension staff, farmers, nutritionists, and decision makers. A third phase of the project will start in 2015 and will continue for three years.