Reseach and Implementation Program for the 3rd Phase of the HarvestZinc Project


29 Apr 2016

2015 Annual Interpretive Summary

The third phase of the HarvestZinc project started in January, 2015. The major tasks of Phase 3 are: (1) determine the response of newly developed high Zn lines from the HarvestPlus breeding program to soil and foliar spray of Zn and other micronutrients. Field experiments have been started in Pakistan with wheat and in India with wheat and rice. Next (2), to test the effect of next generation foliar micronutrient fertilizers (especially Zn and iodine) and cocktail applications of micronutrients (Zn, Se, Fe and Se) on grain concentrations of micronutrients. Foliarly applied Zn, Fe, Se, and iodine in rice (Thailand, China, India, and Brazil) and wheat (China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and South Africa) are being evaluated. The next task (3) is to understand the differential response of wheat and maize to foliar Zn fertilization. Short-term experiments are studying leaf absorption of Zn in wheat and maize to determine if leaf penetration/absorption of Zn is an important factor in the differential response of wheat and maize to a foliar Zn spray. The last task (4) is to promote and create awareness to facilitate the adoption of the Zn fertilizer strategy at the farmer and policy maker levels. Awareness is being promoted through the organization of "Zinc Days Events" in selected countries and large-scale farmer field trials. In addition, the cost/benefit analysis of agronomic biofortification initiated in the 2nd Phase of the project will be validated.