Building a Maximum Yield Cropping System for Corn, Wheat and Double-cropped Soybeans


01 Mar 1998

1997 Annual Interpretive Summary

Building a maximum yield cropping system for corn, wheat and double cropped soybeans, 1997

A four crop/three year cropping system consists of no till soybeans in corn stubble, followed by minimum till wheat, no till soybeans, and then no till corn the third year. The goals of this study are to develop a systems management program that increases crop yield levels, input efficiency and profit potential. In the first year, the rotation improved corn yield by 14 and soybean yield by 5 bu/A above yields of established rotation systems. Full season soybeans in the new rotation yielded 37 bu/A. Soybeans rotated with no till corn yielded 32 bushels. Corn yielded 174 bu., while conventional corn/soybean rotation yielded 144 bu/A. In the no-till corn/soybean rotation, corn yielded 153 bu/A. In 1996 Madison wheat yielded 107 to 110 bu/A under intensive nutrient management. No-till wheat with Baytan seed treatment planted after no-till soybeans or corn yielded from 102 to 107 bu/A. Wheat yields were consistently lower regardless of tillage without the Baytan seed treatment. Narrow row corn studies with two hybrids (P-3394 and SS 682 each at 28,900 final stand) showed a 7.2% yield increase with 15-inch rows (193 bu/A) as compared to 30-inch rows (180 bu/A). A record yield of wheat was harvested during 1997 ... 151 bu/A as compared with the Maryland state average of 60, the highest farmer yield of 85 and the highest previous research yield of 125 bu/A. MD-06F