Use of Ammonium Sulfate Nitrate as a Nitrogen and Sulfate Sulfur Source in the Production of Cantaloupes Grown on Black Plastic


30 Mar 2011

2010 Annual Interpretive Summary

Cantaloupe Fertilizer Source Trial, 2010

Cantaloupe growers have shown interest in using new sources and forms of N fertilizer that have provided promising research results in wheat and corn. The objective of this trial was to evaluate the performance of two products containing S — ammonium sulfate-nitrate (ASN, 26-0-0-14) and a 14-5-8.4-7.5 product — in comparison to a standard ammonium nitrate control. For cantaloupe grown with a black plastic mulch, fertilizers were applied on the soil surface prior to laying the mulch.

In 2010, all three treatments produced similar yields of about 11 to 12 t/A. There appeared to be no response to applied S. MD-13