Evaluation of Fertilizer Nitrogen Applications With and Without Ammonium Sulfate in Selected Vegetable Crops


23 Mar 2009

2008 Annual Interpretive Summary

Evaluation of Fertilizer Nitrogen Applications with and without Ammonium Sulfate in Selected Vegetable Crops in Maryland, 2008

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of ammonium sulfate (AS) in a rotation of potatoes with wheat/doublecrop soybeans, corn, and single-crop soybeans under irrigation with different levels of tillage.

Fertilizers containing AS produced slightly lower potato yields in 2006 and, at best, 1 to 2% higher yields in 2007, compared to conventional N sources. However, fertilizer containing AS boosted wheat yields by 17% in 2007 compared to sources containing urea and ammonium nitrate. Applied to corn in 2007, AS modestly increased yields. Nitrogen fertilizers applied to doublecrop soybeans resulted in no yield benefits in 2007.

In 2008, fertilizers containing AS boosted wheat yields by 36% (to 95 bu/A) compared to those containing only urea and urea ammonium nitrate. MD-11F