Global Maize Project in the United States: West Lafayette, Indiana


25 Mar 2010

2009 Annual Interpretive Summary

A new model of research is desperately needed to meet the increased global demand for food, feed, and fuel. In 2009, IPNI assisted Purdue University in writing a proposal that was funded by the United States Department of Agriculture to plan Purdue’s Long-Term Agroecology Program (LTAP). This project will address major research questions related to management impacts on interactions among soil N, carbon, water use efficiency, and the resultant ecosystem services from U.S. corn-based production. The overarching theme is ecological intensification. The program is multi-disciplinary and will include integration of research conducted at different locations with systematic data aggregation and curation, thereby permitting on-going data accessibility and re-purposing.

Existing resources provide the foundational elements of the field research. The resources being considered for inclusion are IPNI’s Global Maize Centers and Purdue University’s Water Quality Field Station, Long-Term Tillage Research Facility, Long-Term Drainage Research Facility, the Purdue Agricultural Centers, and the Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center. IPNI-27