The Effects of Potassium and Chloride Nutrition on Seed Yield of Canaryseed

The effects of potassium and chloride nutrition on seed yield of canary seed, was conducted to determine the responsiveness of canary seed to K and Cl- and provide better recommendations to producers on the use of potassium chloride (KCl) in canary seed production. The project had five sites each year for three years of field research.


30 Jan 2008

2007 Annual Interpretive Summary

Effect of Potassium and Chloride Nutrition on the Seed Yield of Canaryseed, 2007

In 2007, this trial was conducted at five locations in Saskatchewan, near Melfort, Stewart Valley, Regina, and two locations south of Indian Head. Yields were low due to temperature and moisture stress during seed development in July and August.

At both of the sites near Indian Head, a strong yield response occurred when chloride (Cl-) was applied and a moderate yield response to Cl- occurred at the Regina site. The yield components most affected were seeds per square meter and seeds per head. Grain yield was not affected by Cl- or K applications at Melfort or Stewart Valley. These preliminary results indicate that Canaryseed growers should assess soil Cl- status through soil testing. The response to Cl- occurred when the canaryseed was under moisture stress, and it will be interesting to see if this response occurs under higher yielding conditions. This research will be conducted for two more growing seasons. SK-38