The Effects of Potassium and Chloride Nutrition on Seed Yield of Canaryseed

The effects of potassium and chloride nutrition on seed yield of canary seed, was conducted to determine the responsiveness of canary seed to K and Cl- and provide better recommendations to producers on the use of potassium chloride (KCl) in canary seed production. The project had five sites each year for three years of field research.


18 Dec 2006


The effect of potassium chloride (KCl) on canaryseed yield was investigated earlier (final ADF Report 98000324) after two producers on the Regina plain reported obtaining yield responses using KCl in their canaryseed. There was a significant response to KCl at two sites in two years with a soil residual level of 310 to 660 lbs /acre of K2O. Near Indian Head, on an oxbow loam, the beneficial effects of KCl was reflected in seed set and head size. At four other locations with over 500 lbs /acre of K reported in the soil test few there was no response to KCl fertilizer. Unfortunately, chloride levels in the soil were not monitored. At this time recommendations to growers on the use of KCl in canaryseed cannot be made with any precision. Research is needed to determine if this response is due to K or Cl and at what residual levels in the soil this response occurs for both nutrients.

This research should reduce the application of KCl when not required and insure that KCl is applied when required to increase the seed yield of canaryseed. Overall the profitability of growing canaryseed should be increased and the addition of unnecessary nutrients to the crop land of Canada reduced. This work will meet the departmental goals by enhancing the economic benefits to producers and by improving the environmental performance of the Canadian agricultural system.