Improving the Quality and Profitability of Durum Wheat through Nutrient and Disease Management

Develop soil fertility (N and P) management strategies for Durum wheat, geared to maximizing production, improving grain quality, grain protein and achieving a higher grade for the grain they produce. This should increase the acceptability of our durum in world markets.


11 Mar 2003

2002 Annual Interpretive Summary

Improving the Quality and Profitability of Durum Wheat through Nutrient and Disease Management, 2002

Optimizing yield and quality of durum wheat is key to making it a profitable crop in the semiarid regions of western Canada. While many growers are increasing the nitrogen (N) used on their durum crops, they often use only minimal rates of phosphorus (P), increasing concern that they are not making full use of the N applied. Grain protein is one of the most important factors determining durum wheat quality, and durum markets consistently demand a protein content of 13% or higher, for which industry pays a premium. The objective of this research is to develop knowledge that will permit durum producers to implement crop and soil fertility management strategies geared to maximizing production, improving grain quality and grain protein, and achieving a higher grade for the grain they produce.

The project was established in the spring of 2002 on a heavy clay soil at Indian Head, Saskatchewan. The trial location selected tested low in N and P, providing the best opportunity for evaluation of crop response. Growing season conditions were good, with trial yields ranging from 45 to 50 bu/A. Increasing N rate up to the soil test recommended rate resulted in positive yield responses. While additional N did not lead to further increases in grain yield, it did increase grain protein. Wheat seedling samples collected at the 4 to 5 leaf stage showed a positive response to P fertilizer application, correcting a tissue P deficiency. While application of potassium chloride (KCl) had no impact on seedling tissue K content, it did increase tissue Cl levels. However, there was no yield response to application of either P or K fertilizer in the first year of this trial. This project will be continued in 2003. SK-32F