Improving the Quality and Profitability of Durum Wheat through Nutrient and Disease Management

Develop soil fertility (N and P) management strategies for Durum wheat, geared to maximizing production, improving grain quality, grain protein and achieving a higher grade for the grain they produce. This should increase the acceptability of our durum in world markets.


19 Apr 2002


    This study will involve a field experiment carried at Indian Head. The response of durum wheat to varying rates of both N and P will be assessed on a site selected with an N and P deficiency. It will involve a four replicate RCBD with 2 factors:
      • Fertilizing with 3 rates of N, a check with no N, one rate based on an average and the second above-average yield potential (from soil test precipitation probabilities).
      • 3 rates of P (0, 20 and 40 lb P2O5/A).
      • A tenth treatment will be included that will use the high rate of N, the high rate of P2O5 and 20 lb K2O/A.

    An additional study will be conducted to assess the effect and relative efficiency of top dressed N on yield, grain protein, quality and economic return of durum wheat.

    Cultivars of CWAD wheat will be grown with a basal N application at seeding that will provide the crop with 50% of the available N (soil NO3-N plus fertilizer N) required to achieve maximum yield and protein. Top dressed N treatments will be superimposed on this basal N application and will consist of a full factorial combination of the following factors:
      1. Nitrogen application rates: 20, 40, and 60 lb N/A.
      2. Time of topdressing: five-leaf, flag-leaf, and anthesis growth stages
      3. CWAD cultivars: AC Avonlea, AC Morse, AC Navigator, Kyle.

    As control for each cultivar, a set of plots will be fertilized at seeding with the basal N application plus 0, 20, 40, and 60 lb N/A.

    All plots will receive a blanket application of P, K, and S to ensure these nutrients will not limit crop growth. The experiment will be replicated four times. This design will allow us to determine the direct effect of top dressed N on grain yield protein and quality parameters, and to assess the efficiency of top dressed N relative to a similar amount of N applied at seeding.