The Availability of P and K Contained in Pea and Fababean Residue to a Subsequent Crop

Assess the availability, release and use of P and K from field pea and fababean residues, to subsequest cereal crops.


30 Mar 1997

1996 Annual Interpretive Summary

Availability of Phosphorus Contained in Pulse Crop Residues to a Subsequent Crop, 1996

Pulse crops are known to improve the yields of subsequent crops and are becoming important in crop rotations in western Canada. This study is trying to determine why. Nitrogen released from the decomposing residues does not appear to have much of an effect so scientists at the U. of S. are investigating if improved P nutrition can help explain the beneficial effects. First year results show pea and lentil residues provide a good source of plant available P, but it appears to play a minor role. Pulse crops are high users of nutrients, especially P and K, and understanding how they improve the yield of later cereal yields could impact how we manage and fertilize pulse crops. SK-16F