The Influence of Fertilizer Placement on Crop and Weed Ecology in Direct-seeding Systems

Assess the impact of fertilizer placement on weeds in no-till seeding systems.


15 Mar 2001


    The management studies were set up in a split-split plot design with 4 replicates. Plots were 7.3m X 15.0m in size. Crops (wheat and canola) were the main plot, fertilizer placement (see below) was the sub-plot, and herbicide rate (full and 2/3) was the sub-sub plot. For the sake of statistical analysis, all agronomic data was analyzed by crop separately.

    In order to reduce site-to-site variability, seeding was done at all sites using identical seeders. No-till air seeders setup to seed on 22.5 cm and 30 cm row spacing were used (one pair of seeders at each site). For the sweep seeding, sweeps were purchased from a common source and used at all locations.

    b) Core Treatments at each site:
    -each of the following fertilizer treatment will be conducted in wheat and canola at 100% and 66% of in-crop herbicide rates with treatments being continuous (in same plot with crop rotating annually) for 5 years (1 startup year plus 2 cycles of crop rotation).

    Fertilizer PlacementSpacing of fertilizer (cm)Row spacing of seed (cm)
    fall band30 cm (12 inch)22.5 (9 inch)
    spring band3022.5
    side band at seeding22.522.5
    side band at seeding3030
    one pass sweeps22.522.5