Improving Phosphorus Management on Irrigated Potato

Assessed the effect of phosphorus management on potato yield and quality under Manitoba’s irrigated production systems.


13 May 2003


    Field experiments will be conducted at one location per year within the potato-growing region of Manitoba. A randomized complete block design consisting of four replicates of the following phosphorus treatments, applied as broadcast incorporated monoammonium phosphate, will be established in small plots:

    1) Control
    2) 34 kg P2O5 ha-1
    3) 67 kg P2O5 ha-1
    4) 100 kg P2O5 ha-1

    Fertilizers other than phosphorus will be applied to ensure sufficiency, with nitrogen rates adjusted to account for the N applied in the form of monoammonium phosphate. Potatoes will be grown using best management practices.

    Should funding from other sources become available during the course of the study, additional treatments may be included.

    The following measurements are planned:

    1. soil nutrient analysis in the spring or fall prior to plot establishment

    2. petiole sampling periodically throughout the growing season
    3. tuber yield
    4. tuber quality (size distribution, defects, fry colour)
    5. post-harvest soil nutrient analysis

    Statistical analysis will be conducted on all data using analysis of variance and regression procedures.