Fertility Management of Winter Wheat Grown after Alfalfa

Forage hay crops remove large amounts of nutrients from the soil, because of this, levels of available phosphorous, potassium and sulfur are often marginal for crops following forages.


24 May 2001


    1. To determine the N response of wheat and canola following alfalfa where the alfalfa was terminated using the full range of termination methods currently available (fall sprayed, fall tilled, late-summer preharvest Roundup, spring sprayed.
    2. To compare N uptake and N response of winter vs. spring wheat seeded into herbicide-killed alfalfa. The period of maximum N uptake in winter wheat occurs earlier in the season than for spring wheat. Our hypothesis is that the N response of winter wheat will be greater than for spring wheat because of poor synchrony of N mineralization from legume residue and N uptake by the winter wheat crop.
    3. Investigate the response of winter wheat (cv. CDC Kestrel) to Cl and KCl.