Field evaluation of laboratory tests for soil phosphorus

Barley and canola was grown at 46 sites in Alberta to evaluate response to P fertilizer and determine the ability of various soil test P methods to predict crop response.


17 Apr 2001


    The first objective of this study is Alberta Agriculture researchers will establish up to 46 sites in both 1992 and 1993 throughout Alberta. Wheat, barley and canola will be grown at each site to evaluate response to P fertilizer and determine the ability of various soil test P methods to accurately predict crop response. Westco researchers will establish up to 8 additional sites mostly with wheat and barley.

    The second objective is to maintain 6 long term sites on soils with high P levels and crop to wheat, barley and canola in rotation for a period of years to monitor P draw-down in soil and determine when each crop will begin to respond to added P fertilizers.