Site-specific Management of Potatoes

This project is investigating the potential for site-specific management to improve yields of irrigated potatoes. Tissue concentrations of P and K can be quite variable.


01 Mar 1998

1997 Annual Interpretive Summary

Site-Specific Management of Potatoes, 1997

This project is evaluating site-specific nutrient management of irrigated potatoes. Two fields have been yield monitored since 1996 and grid sampled for soil and plant tissue nutrients. Results are showing irrigated potato production can be highly variable making it a good candidate for more precise nutrient management. Variable rate N application increased yields by 17 percent in one field. Tissue sampling demonstrated that one field with low soil test P, but fertilized with recommended amounts of P was only able to maintain tissue P at adequate levels for only the early part of the growing season. Tissue K was just as variable, but at adequate levels across the fields and throughout the growing season. The variability seen in tissue nutrient concentration, especially for P, is showing farmers the need to do a better job fertilization and that some areas of the field are not receiving enough fertilizer. AB-14F