Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Wheat and Maize in Shanxi Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2010


30 Jan 2008

2007 Annual Interpretive Summary

Nutrient Management and Balanced Fertilization of Wheat, Corn, and Rice in Shanxi, 2007

Nutrient imbalance is a large problem interfering with the improvement of farmer yields and incomes. In Shanxi Province in 2007, work was carried out to monitor yield responses to balanced fertilization in selected crops.

A long-term field experiment initiated in 1993 at Linfen, on a calcic cinnamon soil, showed that annual application of 150 kg K2O/ha along with return of wheat straw significantly increased wheat yield to 7.6 t/ha. This was 7% higher than the check (CK) treatment with 198 kg N/ha and 86 kg P2O5/ha. Application of K and straw alone increased yield by only 4% and 1% over the CK, respectively. When 195 kg N/ha was applied to the following summer corn crop, the K only treatment and K plus wheat straw increased corn yield by 12% and 14% over the NP treatment, respectively. Apparent K recovery efficiency under the K only and K plus wheat straw were 22% and 20% for winter wheat, and 30% and 28% for summer corn, respectively.
A field experiment on rice in Xinzhou examined split N applications including a zero N check (N0), (N1) 100% N basally, (N2) one-third N applied basally and two-thirds top dressed at tillering, (N3) one-third applied basally and two-thirds top dressed at tillering and tasselling stages, (N4) one-half applied basally and one-half top dressed at tillering. Results showed that application of half the N as a basal application and remainder as a top dressing at tillering not only increased rice yield but also N recovery efficiency. This option produced the highest yield of 11.4 t/ha, and yield was reduced by 33%, 12%, 12%, and 11% under the N0, N1, N2, and N3 options. Apparent N recovery efficiencies for N1, N2, N3, and N4 were 28%, 29%, 30%, and 42%, respectively. Shanxi-NMBF