Nutrient management and balanced fertilization on main crops in Ningxia province


20 Jan 2012

2011 Annual Interpretive Summary

Nutrient Management and Balanced Fertilization in Ningxia, 2011

Two experiments were conducted in 2011 in Ningxia province to: (a) investigate limiting nutrients for maximum rice yields by comparing the yields in optimal treatment (OPT) with yields obtained in nutrient omission plots; and (b) determine the optimal K rate for cabbage.

An OPT trial in rice was conducted in Lingwu city. Results showed that the average yield with recommended OPT (225-90-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha) was 10,292 kg/ha, which was 141%, 4%, and 2% more than that obtained plots omitting N, P, and K, respectively. This indicated N as the main limiting factor in rice production in Ningxia, while P and K were found to be sufficient.

A potash rate trial in cabbage in Lingwu showed that increasing K rates increased cabbage yield by 13.1% to 20.8%. The highest cabbage yield was obtained with 300-150-225 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha treatment. Increasing K rates to 300 kg K2O/ha reduced cabbage yield by 6.7%. However, there was no statistically significant yield difference between 225 and 150 kg K2O/ha treatments. Economic analysis showed that the highest income (USD 300/ha) was obtained in 150 kg K2O/ha treatment, which incidentally also had higher K recovery efficiency of all K treatments. In summary, the appropriate rate of K in cabbage in Lingwu, Ningxia, was found to be 150 kg K2O/ha. Ningxia-NMBF