Nutrient Management and Balanced Fertilization on Major Crops in Jilin Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2011


16 Mar 2011

2010 Annual Interpretive Summary

Effect of Long-Term Potassium Application on Maize Yield (Jilin), 2010

This long-term fixed field experiment has been conducted in Liufangzi County of Jilin Province since 1993. In this experiment, N and P2O5 rates were consistently applied at 225 kg/ha and 113 kg/ha, respectively, while K2O rate was varied between 0, 113, and 225 kg/ha.

Results showed that 113 kg K2O/ha increased yield by 1,637 kg/ha, or 17% above the 0 K check. Net income reached USD 307/ha at the intermediate K rate. When K was applied at 225 kg/ha, yield (net income) were only increased by 1,060 kg/ha (USD 91/ha) over the 0 K check. From 1993 to 1994, K application did not have a significant effect on maize yields, but from 1995 to 2010, K fertilizer had a significant impact on crop productivity. The absolute yield of maize increased between 538 to 2,223 kg/ha. Among the 16 years under study, the 113 kg/ha rate proved superior to 225 kg/ha in five years and there was no difference between the two rates in 10 out of 16 years. Thus, in only one year (2000) did the 225 kg/ha rate out-perform the 113 kg/ha rate. While not evaluated in this study, lower K rates may have met the crop K requirements at an even higher economic benefit. Jilin-NMBF