Transfer, Evaluation and Dissemination of an Innovative Fertilizer Management Tool (Nutrient Expert®) for increasing crop yields and farmers’ income in Eastern Nepal
2015 Annual Interpretive Summary
Blanket fertilizer recommendations for rice, wheat and maize in Nepal results in over- or under-use of nutrients, and poor overall nutrient use efficiency. To address the issue of improper fertilizer use among farmers, farmer participatory trials on the evaluation and transfer of Nutrient Expert® (NE)-based fertilizer recommendation were initiated for enhancing productivity of rice, maize and wheat in smallholder farms in the eastern Terai region of Nepal. Three treatments, farmers’ current fertilizer management practice (FFP), district-based fertilizer recommendation by government (GR), and NE-based fertilizer recommendation were evaluated in rice, wheat and maize in farmer's field in four villages of Jhapa and Morang district.
Results of 92 farmer participatory trials in wheat showed that mean wheat grain yields were higher in plots receiving fertilizer according to NE recommendation than from plots receiving GR or FFP. Average additional wheat yield for NE plots was 480 kg/ha over GR and 1,150 kg/ha above FFP. Economic analysis indicated that farmers will get a return of Nepali Rupee (NR) of 3.87 over GR and 3.28 over FFP for every additional NR spent on additional fertilizer application as per NE recommendation. Results of 92 farmer participatory trials in maize showed increased average maize yield for NE plots by 870 kg/ha over GR and 1,210 kg/ha over FPP. Economic return for every additional NR spent on additional fertilizer application as per NE recommendation was NR 2.48 over GR and 4.35 over FFP. NE recommendation in rice in 97 farmers’ fields produced additional rice yield of 720 kg/ha over GR and 760 kg/ha over FPP. Economic analysis indicated that for every additional NR spent on additional fertilizer application using NE recommendations provided farmers a return of NR 2.8 over GR and NR 2.0 over FFP.
The NE fertilizer decision support tool for rice, maize and wheat successfully improved grain yield and economic gains of smallholder farmers of Nepal over their existing practices.