Publication Development and Knowledge Sharing

This project engages scientific authors, consultants, service providers, and other partners to identify suitable collaborators for IPNI SEAP, and then establish partnerships that add value to research and market development undertaken in individual projects, and synthesize and disseminate findings and results through production and/or distribution of scientific publications and program communications.


02 Jun 2018

2017 Annual Interpretive Summary

This objective of this project is to engage scientific authors, consultants, service providers, and other partners to identify suitable collaborators for IPNI Southeast Asia Program, and establish partnerships that can add value to research and market development undertakings in the region. This permanently ongoing project, based on available resources, synthesizes and disseminates findings and results through production and/or distribution of publications and program communications.
The project uses various approaches and methods related to publication development and communication, including website content, webinars, press releases, book distribution, and conventional writing of publications. Scientific publications are not dealt with here, but under the respective projects. The results of the project to date:
    · Conducted seven webinars, each with 50 to 200+ participants
    · Published eight press releases, four quarterly newsletters, one manual (4R Plant Nutrition Manual in Bahasa Indonesia), and one Planters’ Diary 2018
    · Published three articles in external popular magazines (Media Perkebunan, Fertilizer Focus)
    · Developed eight 4R logos in Southeast Asian languages (Lao, Thai, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Khmer, Burmese, Vietnamese, Tagalog)
    · Uploaded 76 web pages and 18 events to the IPNI SEAP regional website
    · Uploaded 3,055 images to IPNI Image Database
    · Entered 1,168 publications into IPNI SEAP library
    · Mailed out 2,052 copies of Better Crops
    · Fulfilled 53 book orders

The fundamental aim of this project is in line with IPNI’s general mission: the dissemination of information related to the responsible nutrition of crops. The project raises the awareness of the general public and specifically targeted focus groups on critical issues in plant nutrition.