Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé
On-farm field experiments establish as a long-term network in 2000, to evaluate responses to N, P, and S in wheat, soybean, and maize in the southern Santa Fe and Southeastern Cordoba regions. Evolution of soil properties are evaluated periodically in teh different treatments.
The Regional Consortium of Agricultural Experimentation (CREA), a farmers' organization based in Southern Santa Fe, has established a network of field experiments with the objectives of: (1) determining direct and residual responses to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), and where indicated, to potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn); (2) evaluating recommendation methods for N, P, and S fertilization; (3) identifying the degree of deficiency and potential res. Read more
Interpretive Summary
The Regional Consortium of Agricultural Experimentation (CREA), a farmers' organization based in Southern Santa Fe, has established a network of field experiments with the objectives of: (1) determining direct and residual responses to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), and where indicated, to potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn); (2) evaluating recommendation methods for N, P, and S fertilization; (3) identifying the degree of deficiency and potential res.
The Regional Consortium of Agricultural Experimentation (CREA), a farmers' organization based in Southern Santa Fe, has established a network of field experiments with the objectives of: 1) determining direct and residual responses to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), and where indicated, to potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn), 2) evaluating recommendation methods for N, P, and S fertilization, 3) identifying the degree of deficiency and potential respon.
Updates & Reports
2018 | Valores críticos de fósforo para trigo, soja y maíz en Molisoles del norte de la región pampeana argentina |
2018 | How Can Soil P Balance Influence Soil Test P? A case study from the Argentinian Pampas |
2018 | Resultados de la Campaña 2017/18: Soja de segunda |
2018 | Resultados de la Campaña 2017/18: Trigo |
2017 | Maíz 2016/17. Red de Nutrición CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2017 | Soja 2016/17. Red de Nutrición CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2017 | Soja 2015/16 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2017 | Maíz 2015/16 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2016 | Trigo 2015/16 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2016 | Economic analysis of fertilization management with focus on the long term |
2015 | Looking for Sustainability - Long-Term Fertilization in the Pampas of Argentina |
2015 | Maíz 2014/15 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2015 | Soja 2014/15 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2015 | Trigo 2014/15 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2015 | 2014/15 season: Maize crop at the Balducchi site of the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2014 | Soja 2013/14 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2014 | Trigo 2013/14 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2013 | Maiz 2012/13 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2012 | Maize 2012/13 - Visit to La Blanca and Balducchi sites |
2012 | Soja de segunda 2011/12 en la Red de Nutricion Sur de Santa Fe |
2012 | Trigo 2011/12 en la Red de Nutrición de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2011 | Soja 2010/11 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2011 | Maiz 2010/11 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe |
2010 | Trigo 2009/10 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe / Wheat 2009/10 in the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2010 | Soja de primera y segunda 2007/07 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe / Full-season and double cropped soybean 2007/08 in the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2009 | Soja de segunda 2008/09 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe / Double cropped soybean 2008/09 in the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2009 | Report 2008/09 Corn sites CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2009 | Trigo 2008/09 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe - Wheat 2008/09 in the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2008 | Trigo 2007/08 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe / Wheat 2007/08 in the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2007 | CREA 2006/07 Corn |
2006 | Photos of Corn 2006-2007 - Network CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2006 | Soja de segunda 2005/06 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe / Double cropped soybean 2005/06 in the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2006 | Direct and Residual Effects of Balanced Fertilization in Field Crops of the Pampas of Argentina |
2006 | Photos 2005/06 Wheat trials |
2006 | Trigo 2005/06 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe / Wheat 2005/06 in the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe |
2006 | CREA 2004/05 Corn |
2005 | CREA 2003/04 - Corn |
2003 | CREA 2001/02: Wheat |
2003 | CREA 2000/01: Corn |
2003 | CREA 2002/03: Corn |
Project Leader
Santiago Gallo, CREA Southern Santa Fe Region
Ricardo Pozzi, CREA Southern Santa Fe Region
Project Cooperators
Paula Gelso, CREA Southern Santa Fe
Franco Permingeat, CREA Southern Santa Fe
Angel Berardo, Fertilab
Nahuel Reussi Calvo, Fertilab
Ricardo Pozzi, CREA Southern Santa Fe
Fernando Garcia, IPNI
IPNI Staff
Americas \ South America \ ARG \ Santa Fe
Americas \ South America \ ARG \ Cordoba
Americas \ South America \ ARG \ Buenos Aires
4r rate, nutrient management, nutrient removal, soil fertility and productivity
Boron (B), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Zinc (Zn)