Strategies for Improving the Crop Safety and Efficiency of Starter Fertilizer for Saskatchewan Crops

Crops were planted in flats of soil are prepared to simulate a seed-bed and a low-disturbance opener configuration (10% seed bed utilization). Eleven commonly grown Saskatchewan crops (wheat, barley, canary seed, flax, canola, mustard, field pea, chickpea, drybean, alfalfa, brome grass), for which tolerance to regular seed-placed P fertilization was determined in a previous 1 year ADF project, will be placed in the furrows in the soil. The treatment comparisons were be conventional 12-51-0 fertilizer versus the a polymer coated controlled release P fertilizer. Eight different rates of fertilizer were used, and treatments were be replicated six times under two different moisture regimes: high evaporative loss and low evaporative loss. Parameters measured will be emergence counts, plant biomass after one month, and phosphorus uptake. Supply rates of P will also be measured using PRS probes. Combinations of P fertilizer alone and with 15 kg K2O/ha placed in the seed-row will be evaluated to determine the tolerance and response of the crops to both P and K in the seed-row.


A series of controlled environment experiments is planned in which flats of soil are prepared to simulate a seed-bed and a low-disturbance opener configuration (10% seed bed utilization) is used to prepare furrows. Read more

Year of initiation:2006
Year of completion:2006

Interpretive Summary


Strategies for Improving the Crop Safety and Efficiency of Starter Fertilizer for Saskatchewan Crops, 2006 Questions on safe rates of seed-placed P and K fertilizer are commonly asked by crop advisers each year on the Northern Great Plains. A series of experiments on the effects of form and rate of seed-row placed P and K fertilizer were carried out under controlled environment conditions on a P-deficient soil.

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