Improved Nitrogen Fertilizer Practices for Highbush Blueberry

A series of blueberry fertilizer trials have been established near Corvallis, OR. These field experiments are using several of the most common varietal material, so differences in genetics can also be evaluated.


There are currently more than 77,000 ha of cultivated blueberry (Vaccinium sp. ) grown worldwide, and production is expected to increase by another 46% over the next 5 years. Eighty-seven percent of the crop is produced in North America and South America, but plantings are expanding into less traditional growing regions, including Mexico, Brazil, Peru, southern Europe, northern and southern Africa, Asia, and Australia. Read more

Year of initiation:2012
Year of completion:2014

Interpretive Summary


More than 77,000 ha of cultivated blueberry are grown worldwide, and production will increase another 46% over the next five years. Nearly 90% of the crop is produced in North America and South America. Annual total global production is predicted to reach 635,000 t by 2015. Blueberry is a long-lived perennial crop (30+ years), adapted to acidic soil conditions.

Updates & Reports


Project Description

Project Leader

David Bryla, USDA-ARS

Project Cooperators

Oscar Vargas

IPNI Staff

R. Mikkelsen


Americas \ Northern America \ USA \ Oregon


nutrient management


Nitrogen (N)