Dynamics of sugar accumulation in sugar beets in intensive production technologies in Voronezh region


This project involves supplementary research to the IPNI project on improving recommendations for potash fertilizer use and adjusting currently used soil K test interpretation classes in intensive cropping systems. The project goals are to: 1) study the dynamics of sugar accumulation in sugar beets at different stages of crop growth and different K application rates, and 2) determine the best timing for sugar beet harvest. Read more

Year of initiation:2015
Year of completion:2015


15 Jan 2016

Результаты научного проекта по совершенствованию рекомендаций по внесению калийных удобрений в России в 2014
С.Е. Иванова, В.А. Романенков, Л.В. Никитина

18 Mar 2014

Первые результаты научного проектапо совершенствованию рекомендаций по внесению калийных удобрений в России
С.Е. Иванова, В.А. Романенков, Л.В. Никитина

Interpretive Summary


This project involves supplementary research to the IPNI project on improving recommendations for potash fertilizer use and adjusting currently used soil K test interpretation classes in intensive cropping systems. The project goals are to: 1) study the dynamics of sugar accumulation in sugar beets at different stages of crop growth and different K application rates, and 2) determine the best timing for sugar beet harvest.


K project in Russia

Project Leader

Vladimir Romanenkov, Pryanishnikov Research Institute for Agricultural Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Project Cooperators

Korchagin Victor, State center and stations for agrochemical service (SCAS) of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in Voronezhskaya oblast

IPNI Staff

S. Ivanova


Europe \ Eastern Europe \ RUS \ Voronezhskaya


crop quality


Potassium (K)