Updated nutrient response curves in the northern and southern regions of Australia
The development of the Better Fertilizer Decisions for Crops database has identified gaps in the current region, nutrient and crop combinations. This project will generate data for the dominant crops in the farming sytesm that currently are under-represented in the database. Sites will be selected to develop soil test-crop response relationships and by benchmarking the less common species against wheat and sorghum, to enable the understanding of critical values to be extrapolated more generally across the industry. This project is supported by the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Soil testing is a key strategy in the efficient use of expensive fertilizer and other nutrient inputs, ensuring that the mix of nutrients applied match the fertility status and crop demand for the likely seasonal conditions. However, for soil testing to be effective in both these roles there needs to be a well-documented relationship between the soil test result and the likely response to applied nutrients. Read more
Interpretive Summary
2016 | The Better Fertilizer Decisions for Crops database now has results for over 6,000 field nutrient nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and sulfur (S) response and soil test results from across Australia. While the data set is comprehensive for wheat in particular, there are gaps remaining for particular crops and underrepresented regions where cropping is expanding. |
Updates & Reports
2016 | Fertilizer use and field trials |
2016 | Project Description |
Project Leader
Mike Bell, University of Queensland
Project Cooperators
Roger Armstrong, Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Training and Resources
Nigel Wilhelm, South Australian Research and Development Institute
Ehsan Tavakkoli, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries
Graeme Sandrall, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries
David Lester, Queensland Department of Primary Industries
IPNI Staff
Oceania \ Australia and New Zealand \ AUS
4r rate, soil analysis and sampling