Agronomic effectiveness of lime and phosphogypsum for soybean in a Cerrado Soil


The Brazilian Cerrado is located in areas of tropical and subtropical climate, where the acidic soils are characterized by low pH, low organic matter, low levels of exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), low base saturation index, and relatively high exchangeable aluminum. Only with the practice of liming and fertilization was it possible to establish commercial agriculture in this important Brazilian biome. Read more

Year of initiation:2016
Year of completion:2016

Interpretive Summary


The Brazilian Cerrado is located in areas of tropical and subtropical climate, where the acidic soils are characterized by low pH, low organic matter, low levels of exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), low base saturation index, and relatively high exchangeable aluminum. Only with the practice of liming and fertilization was it possible to establish commercial agriculture in this important Brazilian biome.

Updates & Reports


2016 Annual Report

Project Leader

Rafael Felippe Ratke, Universidade Federal do Piauí

Project Cooperators

Tamara Araújo Schenfert, Universidade Federal do Piauí

IPNI Staff

Valter Casarin


Americas \ South America \ BRA \ Piaui


soil acidity and liming


Calcium (Ca), Sulfur (S)