Global Maize Project in India: Dharwad, Karnataka - Site Specific Nutrient Management in Maize-Wheat cropping system in Northern Karnataka

This project was initiated to assess the short and long term effects of ecological intensification of maize production on productivity, environmental impact, and profitability of farmers growing maize in Northern Karnataka. This project also helps in understanding the yield potential of maize based cropping system in the region and helps develop long-term nutrient management strategies for sustaining improved maize productivity in the region.


Y R Aladakatti, University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Agronomy
Phone: +91 0836 2748748
Fax: +91 0836 2748199
AICCIP, Agril.Research Station,
Dharwad Farm, Dharwad-580 007
Univ. Agril. Sciences, Dharwad-580005 (Karnataka)