Brazilian Soil Fertility Survey
Brazil lacks modern data for soil fertility surveys which can help the government, industry and crop consultants in their efforts to ameriolate soil chemical properties for adequate plant nutrition. IPNI Brazil has been involved in guiding the proccess for obtaining such surveys. The project was delineated in three phases. Phase 1 was a simple soil fertility survey from soil test results presently at IPNI Brazil database. Phase 2 is under development and will consist in a survey with laboratories running the ion exchange resin methodology and will concentrate in the State of Sao Paulo. Phase 3 will include the most important laboratories in the country. This project will be reported every 5 years.
14 Feb 2012
Project Description
Brazil lacks modern data for soil fertility surveys which can help the government, industry and crop consultants in their efforts to ameriolate soil chemical properties for adequate plant nutrition. IPNI Brazil intends to guide the proccess for obtaining such surveys. The project was delineated in three phases. Phase 1 will be a simple soil fertility survey from soil test results presently at IPNI Brazil database. Such database is built with the input of crop consultants, which access our website looking for help in determing their crop needs in terms of lime and fertilizer recomendations. Phase 2 will be a survey with laboratories running the ion exchange resin methodology. Phase 3 will try to include the most important laboratories in the country. Phases 1, 2 and 3 should include soil tests from, respectively, thousands, hundred of thousands and million samples around Brazil.