Long-term Nutrient Management Network for Southern Buenos Aires Province

This project involves a series of on-farm field experiments with a common protocl looking for grain yield response to N, P, S, and other nutrients.


30 Nov 2008

Visits of wheat and barley experiments at western and southeastern Buenos Aires

On November 12-13, and 18-19, Dr. Garcia visited with staff of ASP, farmers, and local agronomists the wheat and barley experiments included in the Research Project ARG-27 "Long-term Nutrient Management Network for Southern Buenos Aires Province". Despite of the effects of the severe drought registered in the region during 2008, the development of crops in several sites were considered good and nutrient responses were evident. Responses to N and P were detected at all sites. Visual responses to S were detected at 3 of 6 sites.
It has been interesting to interact with farmers and agronomists in the fields where clear visual responses to P in soils of P Bray levels ranging from 8 to 16 ppm were observed. It has been an excellent educational process in a year in which farmers hesitated in applying P because of high fertilizer prices.
These experiments will be harvested on December 2008 and double cropped soybeans will be planted.

Photos of the plots

Groups at the experiments: Ensayo ASP Olavarria Cebada 2008.JPGDSC03294.JPGDSC03332.JPG

Differences on P:
Pieres N150.JPGDif T, N y NP (der a izq) Pieres ASP Trigo 2008.JPGPieres N150 MAP110.JPGNS Tres Arroyos Cebada ASP 2008.JPGNPS Tres Arroyos Cebada ASP 2008.JPG

Differences on S:
NPS ASP Tandil 2008.JPGNP ASP Tandil 2008.JPG