Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

On-farm field experiments establish as a long-term network in 2000, to evaluate responses to N, P, and S in wheat, soybean, and maize in the southern Santa Fe and Southeastern Cordoba regions. Evolution of soil properties are evaluated periodically in teh different treatments.


27 Sep 2006

Soja de segunda 2005/06 en la Red de Nutricion de CREA Sur de Santa Fe / Double cropped soybean 2005/06 in the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe

Report of 2005/06 Double cropped soybean field experiments of the Nutrition Network of CREA Southern Santa Fe

On 2005/06, eight experiments of the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe were under wheat/double cropped soybeans. Results for the double cropped-soybean indicated that:
  1. All eight experiments showed significant responses to fertilization. Average responses were of 141, 369, 697 and 26 kg/ha to N, P, S and other nutrients, respectively.
  2. Responses to fertilization, and especially nutrient interactions, have been increasing along the years, probably because of soil fertility improvement as result of continuous fertilization with removal rates in the fertilizxed treatments and decreased soil fertility in the Checks.
  3. The number of grains per m2 was significantly related to grain yield.
  4. Considering the 24 sites/years of double cropped-soybean, there is a significant relationship between grain yield and soil Bray 1 P at wheat planting, with a soil Bray 1 P critical level of 13-18 mg/kg below which the response to P is highly probable.
  5. Responses of double cropped-soybean to S fertilization were significant in 75% of the sites that tested below 10 mg/kg for sulfate-S (0-20 cm depth) at wheat planting.
  6. S availability at wheat planting greater than 60 kg/ha, resulted in double cropped-soybean yields of 2500 kg/ha or greater.

    To see the full 2005 Double cropped soybean Report, please click here,
    Para ver el informe completo, por favor haga click aqui, Info CREA Soja de segunda 2005.pdf