Global Maize Project in Argentina: Balcarce, Buenos Aires


11 Dec 2013

2013 Meeting of Global Maize researchers

Argentina sites - Balcarce and Oro Verde
Meeting researchers Global Maize sites of Argentina

The group of researchers involved in activities related to the Global Maize sites at Argentina: Balcarce and Oro Verde, met on 10 December 2013 to 1) discuss the results of the long-term field experiments and the satellite experiments carried out at both sites since the beginning of the project in 2009, and 2) discuss research and exetnsion activities for the next three years.
The group leaded by Dr. Fernando H. Andrade included 39 researchers of different regions (Balcarce, Oro Verde, Oliveros) who belong to INTA, FCA.UNMdP, FCA/UNER, and CONICET, as well as staff of IPNI, Fertilizar AC and Profertil.
The discussions started with several presentations in the first half of the day, and ended with interesting discussions on new determinations for the long-term experiments and needs for new satellite experiments.
Interestingly, graduate students made a good part of the group and actively participate in discussions bringing new ideas to the project.

The GM sites at Argentina started in 2009, and currently they are running their fifth year. A grant from the National Science Agency adds to IPNI funding of the project, and Fertilizar AC and Profertil collaborate with minor funding.