Effect of Boron Fertilization on Alfalfa Production

Effect of Boron Fertilization on Alfalfa Production, 1998 This research in northwestern Montana is evaluating the potential benefits to boron (B) applied across different phosphorus (P) fertility levels for intensively managed irrigated alfalfa. It was initiated in 1997 and will continue through 1999. Annual rates of B at 0, 1, and 2 lb/A are being evaluated across P2O5 rates of 0, 40, and 80 lb/A.


14 Jun 2001


    Nine fertilizer treatments and blanket application of 10 lbs Zn, and 30 lbs K/a were applied to an existing, one year old, alfalfa stand on April 18, 1997. The field plot design was a 3 x 3 factorial (0, 40, and 80 lbs P2O5, 0, 1, and 2 lbs B/a) with four replicates. Plot size was 6 x 15 feet. A two-foot wide, flail chopper was used for the first cutting. A three-foot Jari mower was used for cuts two and three. After weighing, plot samples were sub-sampled for nutrient and water analysis. Harvest dates were June 18 for Cut 1(1/20th bloom), August 5 for Cut 2 (25% bloom), and September 24 for Cut 3 (1/10th bloom). The plot area was soil sampled prior to fertilizer application. Fertilizer materials were treble super phosphate, potassium chloride, zinc sulfate, and Granubor (14.3 % B). Irrigation water was sampled on July 25.