Evaluation of Fertilizer Nitrogen Applications With and Without Ammonium Sulfate in Selected Vegetable Crops


10 Mar 2003

2002 Annual Interpretive Summary

Evaluation of Fertilizer Nitrogen Applications with and without Ammonium Sulfate in Selected Vegetable Crops, 2002

The objective of this study is to measure the influence of ammonium sulfate (AS), blended with ammonium nitrate, on the yield of irrigated sweet corn. In 1999, sweet corn yields increased from 1.6 to 6.5 tons/A in response to application of 120 lb of N/A. During the 2000 season, blending AS into the nitrogen (N) supply increased the yield of sweet corn by 5%. Yields as high as 8.3 tons/A were achieved when AS was applied at row closure. In 2002, top yields were about 5.8 tons/A and were unaffected by N source. MD-11F