The Factor of N and P Fertilization Affecting the Concentration of a Nutraceutical Lignan in Flaxseed

As lignans are derived from phenylalanine, an amino acid found in protein, it is logical to ask the question of the effect of nitrogen and/or phosphorus fertilizers on the final concentration of SDG in flax seed.


15 Apr 2002


    This project will obtain flax seed samples grown by the agronomy cooperators at several sites in prior field seasons where different rates of either nitrogen or phosphorus were applied. The seed samples will be defatted and the oil free meal will be analyzed for the concentration of SDG. The method employed will be one developed by Westcott and Muir based on aqueous alcohol extraction, base hydrolysis and analysis by liquid chromatography using a multi-point external calibration. As the samples to be analyzed are from previous studies it may not be possible to examine the effects of fertilizer, variety, location, year, planting or harvest date on SDG concentration in each study. The influence of one or more of the variables on SDG concentration will be determined by statistically suitable procedures. Sample selection priority will be based on selecting across the widest possible range of applied nutrients, focusing on studies where the applied nutrients have resulted in yield and/or other quality responses.

    The flax seed samples will be those collected from studies conducted in previous years by one or more of the agronomy cooperators. These studies are typically 3 or more rates of nutrients in a randomized plot design. Efforts will be made to obtain seed from multi-site and multi-year studies where more than one variety has been grown.