The Factor of N and P Fertilization Affecting the Concentration of a Nutraceutical Lignan in Flaxseed

As lignans are derived from phenylalanine, an amino acid found in protein, it is logical to ask the question of the effect of nitrogen and/or phosphorus fertilizers on the final concentration of SDG in flax seed.


15 Apr 2002


      1. Obtain flax seed from nitrogen rate studies and determine the concentration of SDG in the defatted meal.
      2. Obtain flax seed from phosphorus rate studies and determine the concentration of SDG in the defatted meal.
      3. Statistically analyze the relationship between SDG concentration and nitrogen or phosphorus rates and include variety, location, seeding or maturity dates as a variable where possible.
      4. Prepare report on completion of project
      5. Present results at the Agronomy Society of America conference in November 2002.