The Factor of N and P Fertilization Affecting the Concentration of a Nutraceutical Lignan in Flaxseed
As lignans are derived from phenylalanine, an amino acid found in protein, it is logical to ask the question of the effect of nitrogen and/or phosphorus fertilizers on the final concentration of SDG in flax seed.
15 Apr 2002
- Obtain flax seed from nitrogen rate studies and determine the concentration of SDG in the defatted meal.
- Obtain flax seed from phosphorus rate studies and determine the concentration of SDG in the defatted meal.
- Statistically analyze the relationship between SDG concentration and nitrogen or phosphorus rates and include variety, location, seeding or maturity dates as a variable where possible.
- Prepare report on completion of project
- Present results at the Agronomy Society of America conference in November 2002.