Investigating Hybrid Interactions with Nitrogen and Foliar Fungicides


07 Jun 2010


  • Small-plot and field studies have shown variable yield responses to fungicides and nitrogen
  • In some fields, grain yields have increased by more than 50 bu/ac with a fungicide application, especially on a susceptible hybrid in environments favorable for leaf disease
  • Other studies have shown that the economic yield response of a fungicide depends on the hybrid, even in the presence of low disease (i.e., physiological effects)
  • NUE may vary among stacked and conventional corn hybrids; characterization amongst hybrids not known; screening procedures need to be developed
  • Higher NUE may be partly associated with extending green leaf area; foliar fungicides tends to extend green leaf area in corn, therefore, fungicides may increase NUE
  • In summary, the return on fungicides is variable and depends on several factors including hybrid; research is needed to generate more accurate fungicide decisions, and how fungicides and hybrid affect NUE