Investigating Hybrid Interactions with Nitrogen and Foliar Fungicides


07 Jun 2010


Brief Methods:
  • 3 Locations (Ridgetown, Belmont, Exeter) x 2 years
  • Experimental Design: Split-Strip Plot with 4 replications
  • Main plot: 5 nitrogen rates (0, 45, 90, 135, and 180 kg N/ha)
  • Split plot: 12 hybrids – same hybrids all 3 locs [i.e., single trait (GT) vs stacked; disease tol vs sus]
  • Split-Strip: 3 Fungicide applied at VT-R1 (UTC, Headline, Proline)
  • Total plots per location: 720
  • See attached for plot layout; 12 hybrids randomized within blocks; each hybrid 2-rows x 18-m in length; plots will be split with fungicide tmts applied using our JD Research Sprayer
  • a dilute slurry solution of NLB and ES inoculum will be applied over the experimental area for some disease pressure

Severity ratings by disease on ear leaf and overall plant at VT and 4 weeks after VT, stay green before harvest/frost, push test before harvest, yield components (i.e., grain yield, seed weight, etc.), moisture content, N soil samples presidedress/harvest, on-site weather, N analysis of plant parts