The Influence of Fertilizer Placement on Crop and Weed Ecology in Direct-seeding Systems

Assess the impact of fertilizer placement on weeds in no-till seeding systems.


01 Mar 1998

1997 Annual Interpretive Summary

The Influence of Fertilizer Placement on Crop and Weed Ecology in Direct-Seeding Systems, 1997

This is the 2nd year of a study evaluating the impact of N timing and placement on weeds in canola and wheat. Fall and spring fertilizer placements at different row spacing and herbicide rates are being compared at sites in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Results are showing little difference in yield when herbicide rates are reduced by a third of the recommended rate. The Manitoba portion of the study is also looking at the impact of P and K on wild oat competition in wheat and flax. With the 1st year now complete, applied P and K produced a positive yield response in both crops and greatly reduced wild oat competition. Seed-placement of P and K have always been discouraged because of seedling damage, but these results showed higher rates of P and K did not harm the flax when they were side-banded. MB-09