Impact of Long-term Phosphate Application and Level of Fertilizer Cd on Crops and Soils

Assess the rate of P application from various P sources having different inherent cadmium levels, on Cd uptake and Cd concentration of harvested grain from crops in western Canada.


19 Apr 2002


    Field studies will be established at 2 to 4 sites in Manitoba and 2 to 4 sites in Alberta depending on the funding obtained. Soils at each site will be characterized for soil texture, conductance, P, Cd, N, Cl and S concentration, carbonate content, pH and organic matter content, as these factors may influence the availability of Cd. A control and three rates of monoammonium phosphate (MAP) fertilizer (50, 100 and 200 kg P2O5 ha-1) will be applied using three sources of fertilizer varying in Cd concentration from trace levels to greater than 150 ppm, for a total of 10 treatments with 4 replications (40 plots per site). These treatments will be applied to the same plots for four years, through a cropping rotation of durum wheat, canola, durum wheat, flax. In each year, grain yield will be assessed and grain will be analyzed for concentration of Cd, P and micronutrients. Soil samples from the control plots and the plots receiving the highest rate of each type of MAP will be taken each year and available Cd content assessed using several proposed Cd analysis methods (i.e 0.005 M DTPA, 0.1 M Na4P2O7, 1 M NH4Cl and 1 M NH4NO3) to determine their effectiveness in predicting the availability of native Cd and applied Cd across a range of soil types and environmental conditions.
      • 2002-2003: Establish field studies. Initiate chemical analyses on plant and soil samples. Complete statistical analysis and prepare report for funding agencies.
      • 2003-2004: Conduct second year of field studies. Complete chemical analyses on plant and soil samples from year 1 and initiate analyses on samples from year 2. Complete statistical analysis and prepare report.
      • 2004-2005: Conduct third year of field studies. Complete chemical analyses on plant and soil samples from year 2 and initiate analyses on samples from year 3. Complete statistical analysis and prepare report.
      • 2005-2006: Conduct fourth year of field studies. Complete chemical analyses on plant and soil samples from year 3 and initiate analyses on samples from year 4. Complete statistical analysis and prepare report.
      • 2006-2007: Complete chemical and statistical analyses, prepare final report and prepare scientific papers and technology transfer releases.
    2006 Proposal
    Year 1
    Fields studies will be established at two locations near Brandon, varying in soil characteristics. The site will be set up as a randomised complete block, with a split plot layout.

    Size: Plots of 2 M x 5 M should be laid out to allow a total of 6 treatments in each of the soybean and durum wheat crop to be grown in year 2, replicated four times in each tillage x preceding crop combination.
    Soil Sampling: Take 1 to 2 samples per rep for site characterization in the fall. These should be 0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm.
    Tillage: Reduced and conventional tillage. Tillage operations will be done in the fall and spring prior to seeding. Glyphosate applications should be used for control of weeds as needed in the fall and spring.
    Crops: Barley, canola and flax
    Fertility: 50 kg N ha-1 as urea and 20 kg phosphate ha-1 as MAP, side-banded. Keep samples of fertilizer for Cd analysis.
    Production management: Standard management practices should be used to grow a “good” crop. Herbicide application should be as required for weed control. Seeding rate should be standard, recommended rates.
    Residue Management: Residue should be cropped and returned to the same plots where it grew. Flax should be removed as is standard practice.
    a) Biomass samples should be taken at heading or early flowering if possible
    b) At harvest, grain yield and residue yield should be measured. Samples of the straw and grain should be ground and submitted to the laboratory for analysis.

    Year 2:
    Soil Sampling: In the spring prior to seeding, soil samples should be taken in two locations (each end of each block) from 3 holes to make a composite sample at the 0-7.5, 7.5-15, 15-30 and 30-60cm depths.
    Tillage: Tillage treatments should be maintained as in the preceding year.
    Crops: Soybean cultivar – Gentleman at a seeding rate of 130 kg./ha
    Wheat cultivar – AC Avonlea durum at a seeding rate of 120 kg./ha
    Baseline Fertility: All wheat plots receive a total of 100 kg. N/ha as a sideband.
    All Soybean plots receive approx. 7.5 kg. N/ha as a sideband to adjust for N applied in the MAP. Soybeans receive granular inoculum in the seed row.
    Seeding date: Near mid-May
    Herbicide treatments: As required for control of weeds, including fall and/or pre-plant glyphosate application.
    Fungicide treatments: As required to control diseases.
    a) Stand density should be measured 2 to 4 weeks after seeding.
    b) Biomass sampling should be taken at heading or early flowering and a portion ground for analysis.
    c) At harvest, grain yield and residue yield should be measured. Samples of the straw and grain should be ground and submitted to Eugene Gawalko at the Canadian Grain Commission laboratory for analysis for P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd and Se in the grain and P, Cd and Zn analysis of the residue. A second sample of the soybean seed should be sent to our laboratory for N analysis only. The durum wheat should be sampled for protein at Brandon, using NIR.
    d) Microbiological measurements will be taken by U. of Manitoba.
    Res_Cd. 2 Treatments:
    1. CONTROL (no P2O5)
    2. 30 kg. P2O5/ha as APP (10-34-0) Surface Dribble
    3. 30 kg. P2O5/ha as APP (10-34-0) Sideband
    4. 30 kg. P2O5/ha as MAP (11-52-0) Sideband
    5. 30 kg. P2O5/ha as AGRIUM CRP (10-51-0) Sideband
    6. 30 kg. P2O5/ha as AVAIL CRP (10-51-0) Sideband