Impact of Production System and Nutrient Addition on Grain Quality in Long-term Rotation Studies in Western Canada

Assess crop rotation and nutrient application on flax yield and nutrient uptake.


15 Mar 2001


    The project at the University of Manitoba completed its second 4-year cycle in 1999, while the project at AAFC-Scott finished its first 4-year cycle in 1999.

    The project at the U of M has three rotations: Wheat-Pea-Wheat-Flax, Wheat-Sweet clover-Wheat-Flax, and Wheat-Alf-Alf-Flax. Only one crop was grown in each phase/year of the study, so flax was grown in all plots every 4th year. Each rotation was grown using the four input levels: +fert/+pest, +fert/-pest, -fert/+pest, -fert/-pest. Flax would be the test crop that we would conduct detailed nutrient assessment on for the U of M project.

    The project at AAFC-Scott involves 3 levels of crop diversity:
    - fallow, oilseed and cereals
    - oilseed, pulse and cereal
    - Oilseed, cereal and legume forage
    and three levels of input intensity: organic, minimum required and optimum.

    Grain samples from these projects will be analyzed for N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and B.