Impact of Production System and Nutrient Addition on Grain Quality in Long-term Rotation Studies in Western Canada
Assess crop rotation and nutrient application on flax yield and nutrient uptake.
15 Mar 2001
- The project at the University of Manitoba completed its second 4-year cycle in 1999, while the project at AAFC-Scott finished its first 4-year cycle in 1999.
The project at the U of M has three rotations: Wheat-Pea-Wheat-Flax, Wheat-Sweet clover-Wheat-Flax, and Wheat-Alf-Alf-Flax. Only one crop was grown in each phase/year of the study, so flax was grown in all plots every 4th year. Each rotation was grown using the four input levels: +fert/+pest, +fert/-pest, -fert/+pest, -fert/-pest. Flax would be the test crop that we would conduct detailed nutrient assessment on for the U of M project.
The project at AAFC-Scott involves 3 levels of crop diversity:
- fallow, oilseed and cereals
- oilseed, pulse and cereal
- Oilseed, cereal and legume forage
and three levels of input intensity: organic, minimum required and optimum.
Grain samples from these projects will be analyzed for N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and B.