Fertility Management of Winter Wheat Grown after Alfalfa

Forage hay crops remove large amounts of nutrients from the soil, because of this, levels of available phosphorous, potassium and sulfur are often marginal for crops following forages.


24 May 2001


    Field trials will be conducted at Carman and Winnipeg in 1997 and 1998. All trials will be established on four or five year alfalfa stands and will be replicated (4 times) and randomized. In the N experiments, all other nutrient deficiencies will be corrected prior to initiation of the studies. The method of nitrogen fertilizer application in the N response trials will be spring mid-row banded urea applied at time of seeding. The exception will be for winter wheat where N will be spring broadcast ammonium nitrate (34-0-0). Nitrogen rates will be 0, 30, 60, 90 kg/ha actual N.

    In all trials, measurements will include soil nutrient status at beginning and end of season, N uptake (measured at regular intervals during the crop growth season), final yield and grain protein content. Additional measurements of leaf spot severity will be taken in the Cl study.