Site-specific Management of Potatoes

This project is investigating the potential for site-specific management to improve yields of irrigated potatoes. Tissue concentrations of P and K can be quite variable.


01 Mar 1999

1998 Annual Interpretive Summary

Site-Specific Management of Potatoes, 1998

This project, now in its third year, is investigating the use of global positioning system (GPS) technology and yield monitoring in irrigated potato production in southern Alberta. Improving fertilizer management is a key part of the study. Yield maps are demonstrating how variable potato yields may be, and GPS has allowed soil and petiole concentrations of N, P and K to be intensively monitored. Phosphorus deficient tissue samples are routinely appearing, despite recommended P fertilizer application. Alberta farmers do not normally monitor tissue P or K, but interest is increasing because of this project.

Alberta’s potato industry is expected to double it acreage by the year 2000, which means many fields with low P fertility will be coming into production. This project is providing growers with valuable information related to P management and could serve as a basis for increasing Alberta’s P recommendations. AB-14F