Nitrous Oxide Emissions from the Application of Fertilizers: Source Partitioning

Meta-analysis review of the 4R impacts on nitrous oxide emissions in the Midwest U.S.


16 Apr 2014

2013 Annual Interpretive Summary

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions account for 7% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and have been identified as the dominant driver of stratospheric ozone depletion in the 21st century. In the U.S., agriculture accounts for 75% of total N2O emissions, of which 92% is attributable to soil management practices such as fertilizer N and manure application. N2O emissions from soil are mainly mediated by nitrifying and denitrifying microorganisms and are controlled by C and N availability, O2 availability (often approximated by soil moisture content), and soil pH. The objective of the current study is to expose data availability and then quantitatively summarize effects of a suite of agronomic management practices on N2O emissions in corn cropping systems in the Midwestern U.S. and southeastern Canada through meta-analysis. This approach explores the potential of alternative agronomic management practices to mitigate N2O emissions from corn cropping systems in major corn producing regions in the U.S. and Canada, by synthesizing available data from peer-reviewed literature. Corn was selected as a focus crop, because it covers the greatest proportion of U.S. crop land and receives more N than any other major U.S. crop. The geographic area of interest confines a large corn-growing region with relatively comparable climate, environmental conditions, and agronomic management.

The use of the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) in combination with the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) was the only management strategy that consistently reduced N2O emissions. Manure application caused higher N2O emissions compared to the use of synthetic fertilizer N. This warrants further investigation in appropriate manure N management, particularly in the Lake States, where often over 30% of corn crop land receives manure. The N2O response to increasing N rate varied by region, indicating the importance of region-specific approaches for quantifying N2O emissions and mitigation potential. In general, more data collection on side-by-side comparisons of common and alternative management practices, especially those pertaining to N placement, N timing and N source, in combination with biogeochemical model simulations, will be needed to further develop and improve N2O mitigation strategies for corn cropping systems in the major corn producing regions in the U.S.