Measuring the Nutrient Accumulation Rates of High-Yielding Potatoes and Sugar Beets
25 Mar 2015
2014 Annual Interpretive Summary
To better achieve the objective of the "Right Time" of 4R Nutrient Stewardship, the nutrient accumulation patterns are being measured in key Idaho crops. In 2014, sugar beets were grown at the ARS Kimberly Idaho Research Station. Beet samples were taken from four randomized replicated plots that received fertilizer applications based on University of Idaho recommendations. Both beet roots and beet tops were collected at 16-day intervals between June 9th to October 1st, 2014. Fresh samples were weighed, dried at 60 C, and ground (or pureed and dried for the beet roots), and weighed again. Prepared tissue samples were submitted and analyzed for N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca, Zn, Mn, Cu, and Fe.
We have received the nutrient analysis data and are currently in the process of summarizing the in-season nutrient uptake patterns for each nutrient and for the beet and tops plant parts. This data will be used as a resource for understanding how the sugar beet plants accumulate nutrients over the course of a growing season and refine fertilizer recommendations. Malting barley will be the crop studied in 2015.