Nutrient Demand of Oil Palm Hybrids in Tropical America

Nowadays there are several oil palm regions in Latin America with plantings of the OxG material, which is a cross of Elaeis oleifera (American oil palm) with E. guineensis (African oil palm). There are no studies in the agronomy or nutrition of the OxG hybrid. This study tries to evaluate the minimum nutritional requirements for two OxG crosses in Colombia.


11 Mar 2012

Project Description

In tropical America the traditional planting material has been the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), but recently the ‘OxG’ hybrid that results from crossing E. guineensis with E. oleifera (the American oil palm), has gained attention as an alternative to cope with local prevalent diseases. Contrary to the African oil palm, the OxG hybrid comes from a wide genetic pool, which originates a variety of canopy forms and different bunch formation patterns. Also, because of their relatively recent appearance, very little agronomic information on the ‘OxG’ is available. The present study aims to develop general fertilizer recommendation for different OxG materials in at least two oil palm regions of Colombia.