Fertigation of Field Vegetable Crops

Response of field vegetable crop to S and Ca application is studied in on-farm field experiments conducted under fertigation conditions (with fertilizer application through drip irrigation).


01 Feb 2015

Project Description

Location: Volgograd Oblast, Southern Federal District.
    1) Improve nutrition of vegetable crop grown under fertigation (with fertilizer application through drip irrigation).
    2) Optimize fertilizer expenditures when growing field vegetable crops under fertigation.
    1) Study the response of field vegetable crops to such new fertilizers for fertigation as Calcium Nitrate, Ammonium Chloride, and Ammonium Sulfate Nitrate.
    2) Study the effect of new fertilizers for fertigation on quality and marketable yield of field vegetable crops.
    3) Study the effect of new fertilizers for fertigation on soil properties.
    4) Study the effect of foliar fertilization in tomato.
The following vegetable crops were selected for the project: tomato (2015-2017), bell pepper (2015) and onion (2015).
Measurements in field experiments include: irrigation water quality, wide range of soil analysis prior to and after irrigation, crop phenology, yield components, yield (marketable and total) and its quality, dry matter accumulation and nutrient removal in the harvested and unharvested portion of crops, water use efficiency.