Study on fertilization techniques for greenhouse vegetable in Shanghai suburbs


09 Feb 2013

2012 Annual Interpretive Summary

Study on Fertilizer Regulation and Recommendation Technique for Greenhouse Vegetables in Shanghai, 2012

This project was implemented by the Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Science. Shanghai has a long history of strawberry cultivation. About 5,000 ha area in this region is currently under strawberry cultivation, and a great potential exists for the future expansion. In 2012, a field experiment was conducted in Dahong Village, Pudong to study the effects of N and K fertilization on yields and quality of strawberry in Shanghai. The trial had seven treatments of N-P2O5-K2O (kg/ha) including: 0-150-300, 150-150-300, 300-150-300; 450-150-300, 300-150-0 (CK), 300-150-150, 300-150-450.

Results indicated that applications of 300 kg N, 150 kg P2O5 and 450 kg K2O/ha constituted the optimal (OPT) fertilizer management strategy for strawberry. The OPT treatment produced a strawberry yield 37 t/ha, which was an increase of 81% over the no K (300-150-0) treatment yield of 21 t/ha. Similarly, the OPT treatment gave better profit of US$47,612 and better quality (contents of soluble solids, Vitamin C, sugar, and acid, as well as solid/acid ratio) strawberry over the CK treatment. Shanghai-09