Effect of control release urea on rice and eggplant in Hubei

As supported by IPNI China program, the project cooperators in Wuhan Botanical Garden of CAS carried out the rice and eggplant field experiments to study the effect of application control release urea on the crops compare with regular urea, in Hubei province in 2015.


29 Apr 2016

2015 Annual Interpretive Summary

In Hubei province, rice and eggplant are the most important grain and vegetable crops, respectively. Controlled-release urea (CRU) is one of the most efficient ways to increase N fertilization efficiency at present. Therefore, under the support of IPNI China Program, project cooperators from the Wuhan Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Science carried out CRU application field experiments on rice (in Honghu county) and eggplant (in Wuhan suburb) in 2015.

In rice, results showed regular urea yielded 8,630 kg/ha with 160-82-75 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha, but CRU was able to increase grain yield by 17%, agronomy efficiency (AE) by 9.3 kg/kg, and net benefit by US$580/ha. Farmers' common practice yielded 8,550 kg/ha (170-56-100 kg/ha), which CRU exceeded by 18%, and improved AE by 10.8 kg/kg and net benefit by US$620/ha. The Nutrient Expert® (NE) treatment produced the highest grain yield and N fertilization efficiency. Grain yield decreased if N application was reduced by 20%, and the best proportion of CRU+urea was 60:40.

The eggplant field experiment showed that regular urea could produce 68,100 kg/ha using 300-150-180 kg/ha, but CRU increased fruit yield by 2.9%, AE by 6.5 kg/kg, and net benefit by US$850/ha. Farmers' common practice produced 59,900 kg/ha using 360-338-338 kg/ha applied as compound fertilizer, but CRU treatment produced 17% more yield, increased AE by 43 kg/kg, and increased net benefit by US$4,990/ha. The NE recommended fertilization treatment showed highest yield and N fertilization efficiency. Eggplant yield decreased if N application rate was reduced by 20%, and the best proportion of CRU+urea was 70:30.