Best Management Practice for Maximum Economic Yield in Oil Palm (BMP-OP II)


15 Mar 2006



Six collaborating plantations in Sumatra and Kalimantan of Indonesia.
  1. PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk, an Indonesian company with rubber and oil palm plantations in various locations in Indonesia. This project is located at Kisaran, North Sumatra. The environment at this location is ideal for oil palms and high yields were already achieved before the project started.Project start: July 2006
  2. PT Victorindo Alam Lestari, another Indonesian company in the Permata Hijau Group, which has operations spanning the value chain of the edible oil business. This project is located at Sosa, Desa Menanti, in Tapanuli Selatan district of North Sumatra near the border with Riau province. Environmental conditions here are not as good as Kisaran. Other main limitations to yield at this site are poor quality planting materials and poor standards of planting inherited from the previous owner of the plantation. Project start: August 2006.
  3. PT Tania Selatan, a plantation company in the Wilmar Group, a company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange with a global reach in the edible oil business, and set to become one of the largest plantation groups in the world with their announced intention to merge with the PPB Oil Palms group of Malaysia. This project is located in the Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) district in South Sumatra, where oil palm yields are limited by annual moisture deficits of varying severity, with wide fluctuations from year to year. Project start: December 2006.
  4. PT Agronusa Investama Sambas, another Wilmar Group company with its plantations located near Sambas in West Kalimantan. This plantation had been purchased from another group in 2004 and was in the process of rehabilitation at the time the project started, with yields still low. The main soil type at this project site is a shallow podzol with a hardpan within 0.5-1m of the soil surface, thus presenting a serious limitation to the potential yield achievable. Project start: January 2007.
  5. PT Sungai Rangit, a company in the Sampoerna Agro Group ( of Indonesia. The Sampoerna group is a new entrant to the oil palm industry, having just bought the Sungai Rangit plantation in 2005. The project is located at Sukamara in Central Kalimantan. The plantation was still in very poor condition, with very low yields, at the start of the project. The main yield limitations at this site are annual moisture deficit and sandy soils. Project start: June 2007.
  6. PT REA Kaltim Plantations, a company belonging to REA Holdings PLC (, a company in the United Kingdom with a long history of involvement in the plantation management business dating back to the start of the 20th century. The project site is at Long Bleh near Samarinda in East Kalimantan. Site conditions are similar to site 2, but plantings have been very well done and high yields had already been achieved at the time the project started. Project start: July 2007.

The BMP Program is made possible by the interest and commitment of the Senior Management of our collaborating plantations, and the Management teams in the estates where the projects are being carried out. We are most grateful to all of them for their enthusiasm and cooperation.

Funding for the IPNI project on Best Management Practice for Maximum Economic Yield is provided by IPNI, Canpotex International Pte Ltd, and K+S KALI GmbH, which is gratefully acknowledged.